Nicolet Plastics University
Nicolet Plastics University is a full day course about the plastic injection molding process taught in our manufacturing facility by our lead engineer. The class provides invaluable insight for designers, engineers, buyers, and anyone involved in the part and product manufacturing process.
Areas Covered:
- Injection Molding 101
- Design for Manufacturability
- Lunch
- The RFQ Process, Tooling Grades, Classifications and Warranties
- Moldflow and the advantages of Predictive Modeling
- Value Added Services
Event Details:
When: *Dates determined based on demand*
Where: Nicolet Plastics | 16685 State Rd 32 | Mountain, WI 54149
Cost: Free (includes lunch)

What You’ll Learn:
The overall goal of this program is to provide our customers with guidance and greater understanding of Plastics Injection Molding, aiding in Engineering Design and Design for Manufacturability.
- Provides information to define the project expectations / objectives.
- Information assures that future projects are more accurate by bringing all disciplines together, from the design through production.
- Helps to eliminate lost time as questions are answered up front.
- Helps to ensure that tools are specified correctly based on the project requirements and life expectancy.
With over 140,000 materials and combinations of materials, the nuances of plastics injection molding are ever changing. There are a wide variety of choices and alternative equivalents available. The course helps aid in selection of plastics for material performance
This proprietary course provides our customers with an interactive, educational program that allows engineering and purchasing to stay current with the changes in plastics injection molding technology and identify “what is possible” and “what is critical” in the manufacturing of their projects.
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